25 April 2013


Couldn't tahan this anymore grrr and I feel bad for spamming twitter so here I am haha

Well. I'm finally done with PI FCUKYEAH I've been waiting 6 weeks for this day awwyeah I feel liberated already. But then there's the rest of PW to deal with until November.


But I'm seriously upset about losing my 12.30 Fridays cause of leo. I mean, if you get people to choose a weekly CIP to do, then don't end up allocating them to something that they don't even want to do! It's so upsetting because now all my days end after 3.

And it's not fair because I see my friends taking almost the same subject combination as me going home at 12.30 and 1.20 on days that they don't have cca. There's only one subject that I take that's different from theirs, so why must I be made to have lessons until 4 everyday??

If I had a day when my lessons ended at 1.20 or 12.30, then I don't think I'd be so upset about going for weekly CIP on Friday cause then I know that at least I've got early days. But now I've got none.

It's not fair.

Why can't the school think of people like me?? Don't we need time to do our work too? We need to have a life to yknow. Just because "JC life" is an oxymoron doesn't mean that you have to take it literally.


Although, I should be glad that I managed to salvage my weekends HAHA I refused to join the Saturday CIP therefore my weekends are free. AND I FUCKING LOOK FORWARD TO WEEKENDS EVEN MORE NOW.

I want to love going to school and make my 2 years in TJ worthwhile, but so far all that I've encountered have only served to make me less willing to go to school. Some are obviously my fault, but others are not. I just don't know what to do and what to think anymore, to make myself happy to go to school.

Because this is seriously affecting my motivation to study. And everyone know that A levels is a 2 year course and whatever I'm learning now will be tested next year so, like, I BETTER STUDY MY ASS OFF.

There're so many thoughts running through my mind now, and I've got no energy to sort through all of them and think them through logically. Sigh. Them running amok in my mind is only serving to make me more depressed than I usually am.

Sleep will be the cure. Goodnight.