I don't even know what's happening to me anymore. Unexplainable bouts of sadness just hit me anytime, anywhere and I have no idea how to deal with it.
Then there's school. I've never felt so detatched from anything before. I honestly don't like my class, and I don't go a day without squirming in discomfort in front of my classmates.
Maybe it's because I'm still unfamiliar with them, but it's been almost 3 months since we got together as a class.
Sometimes I feel like everyone around me has moved on, while I'm still walking on the spot trying to grab on to what's left of my comfort zone.
Glad I got this out now, because it's torturous having to go to school everyday and hang out with classmates who I don't care/like/feel comfortable with. I'll try to love them, but it's just so hard.
I'm just thankful that there's church to be the constant in my life, somewhere where I'm comfortable enough, with people who I'm familiar with.
I need to learn to put Jesus in the centre, because with Him, I am not alone in the struggle to survive and find out who I am and what I stand for.